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Sculptural modular energy-free cooling

The misuse of air conditioning contributes to global warming & the urban heat island effect, we want to design a sculptural energy-free cooling module with high commercial value to reduce people's dependence on air-conditioning. lt becomes a design intervention to reverse the trend of global warming.

The project is centred around a porous ceramic material, inspired by the African zeer jar, which makes use of the properties of the material and the water evaporation to carry away heat.

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According to the Chinese government and the International Energy Agency (IEA), China is one of the largest air conditioning users in the world. It is estimated that about a quarter of China's electricity is used for air-conditioning systems.

This project has huge commercial potential due to its unprecedented innovative modular design, which creates endless combinations of results with a minimum number of modules and provides a more marketable solution to the challenges posed by climate change.
The project reduces greenhouse gas emissions by effectively lowering the temperature inside and outside the building through an energy-free cooling system that reduces reliance on traditional energy sources and fights greenhouse gases while combating warming temperatures. At the same time, it utilises a modular design to grow crops, providing a source of fresh produce in the city, reducing carbon emissions from transport and storage, and increasing the fun of buying produce. This project meets the needs of the current market and world trends to improve air quality and provide a green environment.

Inspired by convex hexagonal essellations

Product Details and Scenario Applications

Distinctive features

Business Value 

A product with a strong reversal of warming that has an inherent commercial profitability, a significant multi-benefit and sustained benefit, and a product that people will want to consume without too much selling.

 Future Plan

In the future, there are also plans to provide a user-friendly software end service, where users can put together their favourite pattern like a jigsaw puzzle, and the system automatically generates detailed information on the quantity of each component required and the size of the guide phase 1 of the assembly.

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